Thursday, January 1, 2009

Business In Melaka

Korang perasan tak, kalo korang turun Melaka pada hujung minggu comprem ramai orang kat Melaka. Kalo korang masuk je jalan bendahara, komprem kereta sesak sampai lah ke depan EQ. Kalo korang lambat book hotel, komprem...korang takde tempat penginapan.

Sebenarnya, dah lama aku pikirkan nak grab business oppurtunity terhadap kebanjiran pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara. Antaranya servis cuci gambar.Mudah aje konsepnye.

  1. Tangkap
  2. Buat custom made...letak le gmbar apa2x untuk background.
  3. Print

Maybe korang ada idea yang lagi bernas. Ada idea?


fzy fuzzy said...


Nampak business memang bagus. Tp only on weekend kan as most of the Singaporean membanjiri Melaka. Maybe they get bored with JB then Melaka is the next stop.
But kena bear in mind when u decide to invest especially in commercial make sure your business can cope with your installment.

Anonymous said...

quote fzy fuzzy:
"make sure your business can cope with your installment"
Teman tak faham ayat yang last tue..ihik...tolong xplainkan.

fzy fuzzy said...

Macam ni.

For example u purchase a ground floor shop at RM350k (guess so coz idak le teman tau market value kat situ berapa). U hv to calculate berapa taun nak bayar then yield + BLR yg ditawarkan each bank. Nak guna bank conventional or islamic banking, buat comparison..berapa sebulan kena bayar. BLR tu flat rate ker or for 1st 3 year, minus or plus. Then ur payment kekal sampai abis term year of payment. Kira kena baca term & condition by the bank berhati-hati.

If the shop is too big enough for that kind of business, u hv to think to sub-let with business that can attract people, ex : phone kiosk, kedai emas ker, etc

Susah2 sangat, u sendiri sub-let dari kedai lain. Is better to hv small area of business place coz u don't need a big space right. Unless ler nak bukak restaurant.

hrmk said...

IC...gitu rupernya.

Maaf la yea..saye budak baru belajor..
Haram tak faham...
Anyway..thanks sebab explain hal tue..